All roles

IMS Fundamentals
Learn about the main components of IBM IMS: IMS Database Manager (IMS DB), IMS Transaction Manager (IMS TM), and common system services for IMS DB and IMS TM. Learn how these components work and interact with applications, how IMS databases differ from each other and differ from relational databases message types, security, maintenance, troubleshooting, and more.
Level: Beginner Cost: None Badge: Yes Time: 32 hours

Introduction to the PL/I Programming Language
In this 8-hour, introductory course, you’ll learn about the parallels and differences between C and PL/I, particularly in language syntax, program structure, declarations, loops, data types, arrays, structures, and more.
Level: Beginner Cost: None Badge: Yes Time: 8 hours
IMS database

IMS Logical Relationships
Logical relationships establish a logical access paths between segments that are usually in different databases. In this course, you’ll learn how to code the DBDs and PSBs for IMS databases involved in logical relationships, adjust the performance of these databases, and review IMS Monitor reports to see whether the logical relationships are effective.
Level: Advanced Cost: None Badge: Yes Time: 30 hours

IMS Database Fundamentals
Learn about IMS databases, including the structure of database records, how those records are accessed, DBDs, PSBs, DL/I calls, secondary indexes, logical relationships, database types, access methods, database recovery, and more.
Level: Beginner Cost: None Badge: Yes Time: 24 hours

IMS Database Recovery Control (DBRC)
IMS DBRC, which is a feature of the IMS Database Manager, helps with the recovery of IMS databases.
In this comprehensive course, you'll learn how to install, customize, administer, and maintain DBRC. This course is for experienced IMS system programmers and database administrators who need to work with DBRC.
Level: Intermediate Cost: None Badge: Yes Time: 32 hours

IMS Data Sharing
When more than one IMS system has concurrent access to an IMS database, those systems are sharing data. In this advanced course, you'll learn about IMS data sharing capabilities, how multiple IMS systems on different LPARs and processors can access and update the same databases with complete integrity, and how to implement and maintain a data sharing environment.
Level: Advanced Cost: None Badge: Yes Time: 12 hours

In this intermediate course, you’ll learn how to design, implement, maintain, troubleshoot, and recover IMS High Availability Large Databases (HALDBs). You’ll learn how other IMS databases can be migrated to HALDB and the advantages of using HALDBs.
This is an intermediate course for experienced IMS database administrators who implement and manage HALDBs.
Level: Intermediate Cost: None Badge: Yes Time: 10 hours

IMS Fast Path Implementation
This is an advanced course for IBM IMS system administrators, database administrators, and application programmers who design or implement IMS Fast Path applications in an IMS Transaction Management (TM) or IBM CICS Database Control (DBCTL) environment.
Level: Advanced Cost: None Badge: Yes Time: 18 hours

IMS Database Repair
This advanced course shows you techniques and tools for diagnosing and repairing corrupted IMS databases, including full-function, DEDB, and HALDB. To do that, you’ll need to understand database access methods, secondary indexes, database layouts, control interval (CI) layouts, sequential dependents (SDEPs), and other database components, features, and structures.
Level: Advanced Cost: None Badge: Yes Time: 11 hours

IMS Database Performance and Tuning
This course shows you how to tune IBM® IMS™ databases. It also discusses IMS database options that affect performance such as data set considerations and buffering for Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) and Overflow Sequential Access Method (OSAM) databases.
Level: Advanced Cost: None Badge: Yes Time: 36 hours

IMS Physical Organization of Databases
In this comprehensive course, you’ll learn about IMS DB access methods, how to code DBDs and PSBs, use IMS utilities to reorganize and recover databases, use the DL/I test program, and how to prepare a job stream to load a database.
Level: Intermediate Cost: None Badge: Yes Time: 33 hours
System programming

IMS System Programming
Learn about IMS architecture, installation, transaction management, locking, logging, connecting IMS to IBM CICS® and IBM Db2®, data sharing, shared queues, preparing and starting the system, and more.
Level: Intermediate Cost: None Badge: Yes Time: 13 hours

IMS Diagnostics
Learn about the relationships between IMS components so that you can explain IBM's recommendations for IMS diagnostic setup. Learn how to use the IMS Interactive Dump Formatter, identify the key z/OS® IPCS commands that are useful for IMS problem diagnostics, perform the methodology for debugging IMS abends, and understand the methodology for debugging IMS waits and loops.
Level: Intermediate Cost: None Badge: Yes Time: 10 hours

IMS Shared Queues
Learn how shared message queues work in IBM IMS, and how full-function queues and Fast Path expedited message handler (EMH) queues are shared within a parallel sysplex environment. Learn how to prepare and implement IMS shared queues and manage and troubleshoot an IMS shared queues environment.
Level: Intermediate Cost: None Badge: Yes Time: 17 hours

IMS TM Performance Analysis
In this advanced course, you'll learn how to use and adjust IMS Transaction Manager (IMS TM), other components in the IMS system, and z/OS components, commands, processes, parameters, and more to ensure that the IMS TM system is running as efficiently as possible.
Level: Advanced Cost: None Badge: Yes Time: 11 hours

IMS System Programming in a DBCTL Environment
Learn about the IMS database control (DBCTL) environment, which provides access between CICS and IMS-managed databases. Learn how to install, configure, maintain, troubleshoot, and support an IMS DBCTL system, and understand the IMS architecture that applies to database management and attaching to CICS systems and transactions.
Level: Intermediate Cost: None Badge: Yes Time: 12 hours
Application development

IMS TM Application Programming
This course shows you through lectures and lab demos how to write application programs that use Data Language One (DL/I) to process terminal input and output messages in an IMS Transaction manager system.
This course does not teach basic COBOL or PL/I. You should already have experience developing applications with one or both of those languages.
Level: Intermediate Cost: None Badge: Yes Time: 14 hours

IMS Database Application Programming
In this course, you'll learn how to code application programs that perform processing on IMS database records. You'll learn about the hierarchic structure of IMS databases, how to construct DL/I calls, how to test your applications, and more.
Level: Intermediate Cost: None Badge: Yes Time: 20 hours
Frequently asked questions
Have questions about IMS courses, or the badge program? Here are some quick answers that can help you.
How do I earn a badge?
Courses that offer badges include one or more exams. You must pass those exams and complete required activities. See the "Grading and badge" topic in the course to see the grading policy and how exams are graded.
If I pass the course, when do I get the badge?
Badges are typically issued automatically after you meet the course requirements and grading policy. You should get an email notification of receiving the badge in one to four days.
Whom do I contact if I have problems with course content?
You can contact the IMS Education team at
Where can I find more information about digital badges?
For more information about badges, see Frequently asked questions on IBM Training.
Credly Support
For questions related to your Credly badge earner account and profile, as well as issues related to claiming your badge after receiving a notification, go to
Receiving a badge notification that allows you to accept your badge can take 1 - 2 weeks after you complete the activities required to earn a badge.
If you have questions about IBM IMS badges, contact
For questions related to your badge earner account and profile or issues related to claiming your badge after receiving a notification, go to
IBM leverages the services of Credly, a 3rd party data processor authorized by IBM and located in the United States, to assist in the administration of the IBM Digital Badge program. In order to issue you an IBM Digital Badge, your personal information (name, email address, and badge earned) will be shared with Credly. You will receive an email notification from Credly with instructions for claiming the badge. Your personal information is used to issue your badge and for program reporting and operational purposes. IBM may share the personal information collected with IBM subsidiaries and third parties globally. It will be handled in a manner consistent with IBM privacy practices.
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